Paleobiology & Geobiology Research Group
at Virginia Tech
Welcome to Paleobiology and
Geobiology at VT

What we do
From asking questions to disseminating results, the Paleobiology & Geobiology Research Group at Virginia Tech explores the breadth of the fossil record using both field-based tools and cutting-edge analytical techniques. Common themes in our research include the origins of major clades, phylogenetic reconstruction, faunal change, extinction, environmental changes, and taphonomic processes.
Our current projects range from understanding the Neoproterozoic fossil record and its paleoenvironmental context to exploring the early evolutionary history of dinosaurs and their relatives. On the following pages are more details about our projects, resources, and the people involved. Welcome!
Contact Dr. Nesbitt, Dr. Xiao, and/or Dr. Stocker and provide the following details:
-Your name
-What research interests you have
-What degree you are seeking
Statement on Inclusion and Diversity
The VT Paleobiology Research Group is involved in research and outreach activities globally, and we are committed to working with researchers and the general public in the areas where we work. We recognize that the diversity in our society is not well represented in paleontology as a field, and academia as a whole. We endorse the inclusion and diversity statements from the Department of Geosciences and the societies with which we are professionally associated (GSA, SVP, Paleo Society). We strive to provide an inclusive and friendly environment for all members of the VT Paleontology Research Group. We support the inclusion of underrepresented groups in paleontology (via networking, internships, and research) and facilitate their participation in our research group. We strongly believe that broader participation from underrepresented groups strengthens our field as a whole.

See our Latest Research and our Twitter feed.
The deadline for Geosciences applications for fall 2023 is in early January 2024. Please contact Dr. Xiao, Dr. Nesbitt and Dr. Stocker if you are interested in applying to our research group for the year 2023 well before the deadline and we can get to know you (Join the Lab)
October 2023
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology and Geological Society of America annual meetings.
Applications for PhD and Master's are open. Please contact us if you are interested.
Website last updated: September 22, 2023