Paleobiology & Geobiology Research Group
at Virginia Tech

Dr. Xiao is a geobiologist that studies early animal life from all over the world. His work has illustrated the extraordinary preservation of fossil cells and continues to study the early evolution of some of the most bizarre creatures to ever have lived.
Shuhai received his PhD degree from Harvard University. He taught three years at Tulane University before joining Virginia Tech in 2003. He is interested in biological and environmental evolution in the Proterozoic Eon (2500-540 Ma).
Shuhai Xiao

Dr. Nesbitt is a vertebrate paleontologist interested in terrestrial vertebrate evolution during Earth’s great transitions. Particularly, Sterling studies the rise of reptiles (archosaurs and their relatives) following the end-Permian extinction.
Sterling received a BA in Integrative Biology from the University of California, Berkeley, a PhD in Geosciences from Columbia University and has conducted postdoctoral projects at The University of Texas at Austin, University of Washington, and the Field Museum of Natural History.
Sterling Nesbitt

Dr. Stocker is a vertebrate paleontologist focusing on the evolutionary history of reptiles. Michelle splits her research between Triassic archosauromorphs and Paleogene reptiles, as well as the evolution of extant fossorial reptiles called amphisbaenians.
Michelle received a BS in Geological Sciences from the University of Michigan, a MS in Geosciences from the University of Iowa, and a PhD in Geological Sciences from The University of Texas at Austin.
Michelle Stocker

Rachel Reid
Dr. Reid is a paleoecologist interested in how disturbances, such as climate and environmental change, impact species, ecosystems, and their interactions over a range of timescales. Rachel brings an interdisciplinary approach to her research, incorporating viewpoints, tools, and data from geology, ecology, and archaeology, using stable isotope geochemistry as a central methodological tool.
Rachel received a BA in Geology from Carleton College, an MS and PhD in Earth Sciences from The University of California Santa Cruz, and conducted postdoctoral research at Washington University in St. Louis.

Vicki Yarborough is a paleontology lab manager and vertebrate fossil preparator focusing on Triassic archosauromorphs and dinosaurs. Besides carefully exposing specimens from rock, Vicki develops custom archival specimen storage housings along with support jackets for use during preparation. She trains and helps students and volunteers prepare and conserve specimens for CT (Computed Tomography) scanning and research.
Vicki received a Bachelors in Fine Art from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Foundation degree from the Wimbledon School of Art in London, England.
Vicki Yarborough

Annamarie is a vertebrate fossil and museum specimen preparator. Extant or extinct, squishy or mineralized, she works to get whatever specimen research-ready. Before VT, Annamarie has prepared specimens for The Field Museum, Chicago Academy of Sciences/Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation, and most recently, the Badlands Dinosaur Museum.
Annamarie has a BA in English from Kalamazoo College, Michigan
Annamarie Fadorsen

Mariah Green is the Museum and Collections Manager at the Museum of Geosciences. Mariah's MS thesis applied 2D and 3D imaging techniques to evaluate and measure bite force in recent and extinct early Paleocene mammals.
Mariah earned a BS in Earth Science from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, Illinois, and earned an MS in Museum and Field Studies with a paleontology specialization from the University of Colorado Boulder.
Mariah Green
Graduate Students

Emily Keeble
PhD Student
Office: 3043 Derring
M.Sc. Paleontology and Evolution, University of Bristol (2017)
Research topics:
Vertebrate anatomy and evolution
Functional morphology of extinct vertebrates
Faunal change throughout the Triassic
Website: link
Instagram: @deinonychusfloof

Erika Goldsmith
PhD Student
Office: 3051 Derring
M.Sc. Geology, Temple University (2018)
B.S. Geology, CUNY-Queens College (2014)
Research topics:
Phytosaur paleobiology and evolution
Osteohistology and growth of archosaurs and related taxa
Vertebrate responses to environment and/or climate change

Jack Stack
PhD Student
Office: 3051 Derring
M.Sc. Geological Sciences, Michigan State University (2021)
B.A. Earth Sciences, University of Pennsylvania (2019)
Research topics:
Paleobiology and phylogenetic comparative biology of extinct ray-finned fishes
Repeated evolution and innovation in fishes
Evolutionary history of extant biodiversity

Prescott Vayda
PhD Student
Office: 5051A Derring
M.Sc. Earth Science, The Ohio State University (2021)
B.Sc. Earth Science, The Ohio State University (2019)
B.Sc. Evolution and Ecology, The Ohio State University (2019)
Research topics:
Evolution of life during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition
Taphonomy of exceptionally preserved fossils

Helen Burch
PhD Student
Office: 5051 Derring
B.Sc. Biological Sciences, University of Southern California (2022)
Research topics:
Ecological modeling
Vertebrate community dynamics
Body size estimation
Website: link

Isaac Pugh
PhD Student
Office: 5051 Derring
B.Sc. Geology-Paleontology, Appalachian State University (2022)
Research topics:
Archosaur diversification
Microfossil Assemblage Analysis
Website: link
Mark Nohomovich
PhD Student
Office: 3051 Derring
B.Sc. Zoology, State University of New York Oswego (2022)
Research topics:
Animal anatomy and evolution
Morphology and Ecology
Animal behavior

Danielle Fitzgerald
PhD Student
Office: 3045 Derring
M.Sc. Sedimentological and Paleobiology, Queen's University, Canada (2023)
B.Sc.H. Geological Sciences, Queen's University, Canada (2021)
Research topics:
Ediacaran glaciations
Neoproterozoic oxygenation and carbon cylce perturbations
Origination and diversification of the Ediacara biota
Extinction of acanthomorphic acritarchs
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellemaryfitzgerald/

Brynden Perkins
PhD Student
Office: 3051 Derring
B.S. Geology, Northern Kentucky University (2024)
Research topics:
Silesaurid evolution and paleobiology
Archosaur systematics
Early dinosaur evolution

Orin Lole Durbin
PhD Student
Office: 3053 Derring
MEarthSci Earth Sciences, University of Oxford (2024)
Research topics:
Evolutionary origins of major Metazoan groups
Cambrian explosion of biodiversity
Co-evolution of Earth and Life through time
Visiting Scholars

Qi Wang
Visiting Scientist
Office: 3053 Derring
M.Sc. Chang'an University, China (2017)

Tian Gan
Visiting Scientist
Office: 3053 Derring
M.Sc. Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2017)
Undergraduate Students

Henry Ayers
Geosciences (Paleo)
Michael Martin-Baker
Geosciences (Paleo)
Denycè Velin
Geosciences (Paleo)

Lina McCloskey
Geosciences (Paleo)
Phytosaur jaw histology
Chris Polcha
Geosciences (Geology)
Simba Srivastava
Geosciences (Paleo)
New Triassic dinosaur

Saye Woodard
Geosciences (Paleo)
Bennett Mallott
Biomedical Sciences
Elizabeth Davis
Geosciences (Paleo)

Marcus Logan
Geosciences (Paleo)
Isaiah McKinney
Geosciences (Paleo)

Lab Night Volunteers

Louisa Gay

Travis Oishi
Former Undergraduates

Hannah-Marie Eddins
Animal and Poultry Science
Phytosaur Feet
Michael Mellett
Trilophosaurus Teeth Microwear
Megan Sodano
Drepanosaurus Unguals

James Lotts
Amphisbaenian Head Burrowing

Neil Pezzoni
Early Dinosaur Life History

Zach Lester

Simon McKay
Camille Do

Alexa Mullin

Colin Sweeney
Kayla Plattman
Elizabeth Evans
Lauren Bano

Emily Patellos

Emily Lessner

Tara Helms

Mason McCabe

Rebecca Hawkins

Hunter Edwards

Christopher Hayes

Grant Plunkett